Here are my precious sisters, Barbara and Bonnie taking in the view. The San Juan Island's and Vancouver Island are out there. It was a cloudy day so my photo's are not as bright as I'd like.
I probably shouldn't confess this but we found Horse Clam necks sticking through the seaweed and couldn't resist poking them so they would squirt. I can just imagine what any onlookers were thinking. Three sixtyish ladies poking clam necks then running and shrieking when they squirted. Mercy! The whitish line you see is what it squirted at sister Bonnie.
You see, there is still a little kid in all of us no matter how old we get.
This Blue Heron was patiently waiting for a fish to swim close enough for his lunch. I used my zoom for this shot.
This golden colored bladder type seaweed was interesting. I can't recall seeing this type before.
Seaweed used to be harvested to use on gardens, but it is against the law to take anything from the beach now days, except you can glean seafood when the season is open if you have a permit. It sure is different than when I was a kid. Dad and mom would take us to their favorite clamming area and we would take as much as we wanted of Butter Clams, Horse Clams, Oysters and Dungeness Crab. Nothing ever went to waste either, what we couldn't eat was canned to be enjoyed in the cold winter months.
Well that's about it for my Sister Day. I bet you are wondering "What in the world is a Horse Clam....."
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