the snow hunt
Water falling off the rock cliff is all ice now and fascinating to see,
Just look at the huge piles of snow!! The river is way in the background. Notice the footprints on the snowy log to the left. I didn't see any coming back. ??? Maybe he's still down there!
When we were coming back down the highway the sun was shining through these moss covered trees. The color was really beautiful but some looked like grotesque, green monsters!
Well that's all for now. Hope you are having a blessed week!
Glad you were able to post your beautiful pictures. What did you do?
I prayed. And next time I tried it worked. God fixed it for me. He's real sweet that way. :)
I prayed. And next time I tried it worked. God fixed it for me. He's real sweet that way. :)
Glad you could post pictures today. They are lovely.
Hello Dear Bev...
I send blessings and good wishes for a very happy & healthy New Year.
I was so pleased you stopped by and left a few words for me. I've not been a very good blogger of late and I was surprised to find that folk were still reading my blog. It is my intention to try and do better in 2013. I don't seem to have the inspiration like I used to... getting older I think is the problem.
Take care. Marion - Wales UK
That's what I love, Bev... I would love to have some snow here... We have one more month --and sometimes Feb. can be a rough month....We shall see.
Thanks for sharing. I loved them... You said on my blog that you'd take the color.. WELL--I'll take the snow!!!! ha
That icefall is amazing, I've never seen anything like that before.
591You take such beautiful pictures! I enjoy visiting your blog:)
ha...I see I typed the numbers to your "please prove you're not a robot" section on my comment...sorry! When you wear tri-focals, it isn't easy reading those things!But here I go again:)
I got it wrong the first time!
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