This delicate toadstool grew out of fresh beauty bark. It was translucent and quite ghostly looking.
Here is Mrs. Spider preparing her snare to capture her meals.
Another sunset over Bellingham Bay
This is not a recent photo, but a nice one I think. This big buck had been eating plums from the neighbor's tree. His twin was only about ten yards from me, eating pears. I stayed close to the house incase they decided to charge.
My famous 'Earthquake Cake'. I made this for company. And I served it too. Apparently the cake was too hot for the icing. It tasted good anyway.
Here are some old remedies I found in Mom's recipe's. I make no claim that these will work and advise you ask your doctor before trying.
Note: Vinegar always refers to Apple Cider VInegar and honey is unpasturized.
2 Tablespoons vinegar, 2 Tablespoons Honey. 1 cup water. Drink before meals.
Add one cup unhulled barley to two quarts boiling water and soak three hours. Strain and refrigerate. Drink one cup daily.
Simmer one cup milk and one Tablespoon fresh horseradish for 10 minutes. Strain and sip during attacks.
Bad Breath
Mix one Tablespoon allspice, a cup of hot water. Use mixture as mouthwash or gargle.
Add two teaspoons cayenne pepper to one cup olive oil. Rub balding areas every day.
Mix one Tablespoon honey and one half teaspoon each of ginger and cinnamon with one cup scalded milk.
Cold Sores
To one cup boiling water add one teaspoon dried sage. Steep for 15 minutes and strain. Mix with one teaspoon ginger and sweeten with honey. Drink three cups a day.
Dissolve 10 asprins in a little water and massage into head. Then shampoo and rinse well.
Add one ounce dried sage to two quarts boiling water. Mix well with juice from one lemon, one orange one ounce honey. Steep one hour and strain.
High Blood Pressure
Make a spicy tea using 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper and one cup hot water.
Have a great week everyone!
P.S. I've never tried these remedies.
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