Friday, January 26, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
After she caught two girls shoplifting sports drinks, Custer Country Store owner wanted to find a way to give the culprits a strong message without handing them over to Whatcom County sheriff’s deputies.
“We’re in a small town here and everybody kind of knows everybody,” She said. “We never had a good, effective system for dealing with younger shoplifters. … You don’t want to let them get off with nothing, but you don’t want to put them into the court system.”
Perry’s solution: an unofficial $200 penalty that the perpetrators work off in her store at minimum hourly wage — while wearing a T-shirt that says, “I stole from the Custer Country Store.”
The girls and their parents preferred that alternative to legal prosecution.
This happened in Custer, which is in Whatcom County where I live.
I hope the humiliation will make them think twice the next time they are tempted.
|Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Besides several wonderful gifts, my second daughter and her family brought this New York Cheesecake. Oh my gosh!! I just prayed for the Lord to take all the fat and cholesterol out of it and I enjoyed a slice. It was HEAVEN ON A PLATE! Thank you Kathy, Gary and Aimee. And thank you also for all the other lovely gifts.
Patty and John C. brought this cheesecake treat. It was made by the Cheesecake Factory and had four kinds in the box. Chocolate Mousse, Strawberry Topped, Snickers Bar Chunks Cheesecake, and last but certainly not least, was White Chocolate Rasberry Truffle Cheesecake. I had the Raspberry Truffle. There's nothing more I can say about it. You will have to try it for yourself to believe that anything on earth could make your tongue so darn happy!
Ok, ok, I know. Sweet Dairy cream, Creampuffs, like my grandson David said, "are a heart attack waiting to happen." Well it was my birthday party after all, and they were very small and I only ate five, and I could have eaten a lot more but I exercised self control! Well, actually that's not quite true. My tummy was doing the hula from all the cheesecake and I know my limits at my age. Usually
Do they know me or what? (((((smile)))))
My second daughter Cyndi and her family brought me a beautiful gift bag filled with lovely gifts including this bag of Dove chocolate. I haven't had it before but just opened the bag and popped one in my mouth so I can tell you what it tastes like......'slurp-Mmmm, slurp, gulp, yum, gulp, swallow. Oh my gosh! This could be habit forming.
(see more of my party below)
I shared my birthday bubble gum with the little ones. Yes I still love bubblegum and keep a large supply in my purse, my computer desk and in my car. I am never without! Here is Maddie showing me she can blow a bubble. Maddie's grandma gave her a hair trim after her five year old sister took her in the bathroom and gave her a

Hailee came to my party and brought her babydoll too. She's the five year old hairdresser.
And here is Matilda Rose in the new dress and bonnet I made for her especially for the occassion. It has hearts on it.
She made us all smile!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my party and seeing my photos. I sure enjoyed living it! Having family around lifts my spirit and makes me feel about twenty years younger, which makes me about 48 today. Hmmmm.....same age as my youngest daughter.
God Bless All
Please remember to pray for our troops and government leaders. They really need it.
|Thursday, January 18, 2007
Borage is an annual and a great re-seeder. I set out one plant seeral years ago and I still get new plants every year.
It's an edible herb which tastes similar to cucumber and is used in soups and salads.
The blossoms have a sweet, honey like flavor and are used to decorate desserts or freeze into ice cubes to make your drinks look special.
Borage is rich in oleic and palmitic acids which can be purchased commercially.
These acids are blieved to regulate metabolism and the hormonal system and is considered by many to be a good remedy for PMS. It's also used to help heal colds, bronchitis and respiratory infections and has been used for centuries as an antidepressant.
Isn't the Lord sweet to give us such pretty medicine? |
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the separation of church and state, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.
Religious Freedom Day is officially proclaimed on January 16 each year by an annual statement by the President of the United States. This day is commemorated by the First Freedom Center in Richmond, Virginia by an annual First Freedom Award banquet |
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Today is my two year anniversary. I tried twice to do a copy and paste of my very first post but each time my blog page went berserk, so this time I will just say my first post is the 91st Psalm. It is the favorite Psalm of my grandma Lillie, my mother Irene, my daughter Patty-Jo and myself. I hope you will take time to read it. It will lift you, renew your faith and fill you with His precious love.
I sure want to thank Ken, my sweet Texas friend who designed this pretty blog for me, and has been a wonderful help whenever I stub my toes on a blog bump.(which has been frequent) "Ken there are no words to express how appreciated you are. The world needs more people like you. Many blessings dear!"
Ken has two blogs you can read about him at Carpenters bluff
and also learn his political views at Squamata Report.
I hope to continue blog-relationships with all of the dear bloggers I have met, and meet some new blog friends in the coming months.
May the Lord bless you all and fill you to the brim with his precious love. |
Monday, January 08, 2007

A few days ago, I got brave, bundled up and went outside and planted some tulip bulbs. (It's cold in these thar hills!) This Tulip is called Beauty Of Apeldoorn and are yellow with a little red trim. At a distance they look a golden color. The blossoms are shaped like a peony and each stem has multiple blossoms. They will bloom late spring.
Now I just have three hundred and thirty bulbs left to plant before spring.
We have had a lot of rain which makes planting sort of like making mudpies, and the ground is very, very cold, but I just keep telling myself how pretty they will all be. |
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Regardless of who ultimately is correct in this debate there is a logic that sooner or later has to cause alarm in all Americans. Even under the most conservative of estimates we live in a nation that is willing to abort a child who would feel the pain of the procedure as it occurs."