Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Here she is today. Her insides, the back wall and windows all gone, Barely a remnant of the old building remains. I feel sorry for her standing there naked and exposed.
Her condo's will overlook several businesses and Bellingham Bay, which would be nice, except our 'wise' city father's decided that a sewage treatment plant should be at the waterfront directly behind what used to be a very popular Marine Park. I used to go there but not any more. Instead of the smell of the salt water, there is the smell of raw sewage with chlorine, etc., added so they can legally dump it into the bay. What a turn off. And people eat the seafood from the bay!
I imagine the new condos will fill up pretty fast but I don't know how long they will stay, because if the wind happens to be blowing from the sewage treatment plant direction, well, lets just say that something's going to hit the fan!
Fairhaven used to be a quaint 'little' place back in the 40's and 50's but when the 60's came so did the hippie's. With their long hair, drugs, and many with the idea that 'what's mine is mine and what's your's is mine' they were not considered the most desired additions. Eventually the 'new-age group took over. Now we see a lot of the shops with their crystals, and other trappings displayed in the shop windows. I wonder if the new age people are just older Hippies?
Unfortunately there are many who come here to live because they think it is so much nicer than their previous home. Then they spend the next several years busting their hineys to turn Fairhaven into what they ran away from.
I far prefer the old Fairhaven. Everyone knew one another, it was a happy place . Fairhaven Pharmacy is all that's really left of the Fairhaven I love. But that's another story!
I was born here 68 years ago. I've seen Fairhaven through a lot of changes. Most she could have done without.
|Sunday, February 25, 2007
Here are a few close-ups of the squares.
Putting the pieces together is the fun part for me. I love working with colors.
I've made several quilts and plan to post a few more, but this one was probably one of the most boring ones I have ever done. However it keeps me warm on these cold winter nights.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Certain members of my family have been accused of having a wicked sense of humor. I believe it was inherited from my maternal grandma, Lillie. I know it is wrong to laugh when someone falls or does some other klutzy thing, but there is something inside me that I have absolutely no control over, and it just bubbles up like a live volcano until it erupts into some horrible Hyena sounding noises.
That's what happened as I was thumbing through an old Reader's Digest today and came across this cartoon. I think it's hilarious. Yes I do feel sorry for the dog. And yes I believe this could actually happen, not only to a dog or cat, but to a small child, and the thought of it started that volcano bubbling again.
Does anyone else have a problem with this strange sense of humor? Maybe we are related!
It was around 60 degrees today, so I planted over one hundred Tulip bulbs. They were mixed colors so it will be fun when they bloom. I also planted three bags of Paper Whites. They haven't done well for me in the past so I hope they will surprise me this time.
Today was Toodles' first time outside to run free in the fenced back yard since his surgery. He and Miss Tildy had a wonderful time. Both are sound asleep now on pillows I have for them here in my office.
Have a great weekend dear friends and don't forget to keep our troops and our country leaders in your prayers.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Inside, right

From Michael 1968 age 7
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007

"In Rome, Emperor Claudius II was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Called 'Claudius The Cruel'he was having difficulty getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed the reason was that the men didn't want to leave their loves or families, so he cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.
Saint Valentine, who as a Priest in Rome in the year 269 A.D., together with his friend Saint Marcus, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers, in secret.
When Valentine's actions were discovered, he was sentenced to be beaten to death with clubs and have his head cut off. But while in prison, it is believed that he fell in love with a young girl thought to be the jailer's daughter, who visited him during his confinement.
Before his death on February 14th, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed, "From Your Valentine."
In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14th to honor Saint Valentine."
Some believe that Valentine's Day is a pagan holiday. I believe every day belongs to my Creator and as Christian's we should celebrate every day for and with Him.

Friday, February 09, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Here are the most famous boots in our family. They were purchased in 1957 for my firstborn when she was a year old. Then came her sister's Kathy, and Cyndi and brother's Michael and Shawn. Then there were twelve grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. All have had these boots on. Hailee loved them and even though she couldn't get her fat little feet all the way inside, she clomped around like a real little cowgirl.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
This little guy never had a name. He was a wedding gift in 1955 from my Paternal grandmother, Hannah Ecalbarger who was born in 1884. A lot of hands of all sizes have lifted the top to find a cookie treat inside. The tablecloth he sits on was made from heavy duty feed sacks and embroidered by the grandma who gave me the cookie jar.
There's lots more to come.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
