My first memory of Easter goes back to 1943 when I was about four years old. My baby sister, Bonnie and I shared a room then. She was still sleeping when I woke on Easter Morning with the sun shining through the window, casting bright rays on my dresser.As my eyes woke up I saw something colorful sitting on top of the dresser that hadn't been there before.
I sat up trying to get a better look, but the dresser was so tall and I was too short, so I ran to the kitchen where my parents were having coffee. I remember being very excited and stumbling over my words as I tried to explain what I had seen.
They smiled as we hurried back into the bedroom.
Dad took the pink ruffled basket from the dresser top and showed me the Eggs nestled deep in the green cellophane grass. He said the Easter Bunny brought them for me. Instantly I gained a new respect for grandma's rabbits and vowed to myself that I would be giving them a lot more clover in the future!
With all the commotion, baby sister woke and was given her pretty blue basket.
When remembering this special morning I can still feel the warmth and security that I felt then as we all sat on the bed naming the color of each egg and laughing as baby sister tasted each one in her basket.
The memory of this Special Easter Morning is still vivid and the thrill I felt then, still makes my heart flutter a little.
Oh the joyful wonder of being a child when all things are possible and the world is filled with delightful discoveries!
Mother made our easter baskets using oatmeal and other sturdy boxes. She decorated them with crepe paper, using a flour and water paste and in later years, Elmer's
glue. She was a very talented lady and knew how to stretch a penny till it squealed!
Cellophane grass was very inexpensive and we usually had hard boiled eggs and a few jelly beans.
When she was older, mother made the Easter Baskets in the picture for her grandchildren. I think they are very pretty, but there will never be one as beautiful as the one I found on my dresser on Easter Morning, way back when.