Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cougar, bear, lynx, bobcats, Beaver, raccoons, opossom, deer and coyotes are common, but except for beaver, deer, and lynx, most haven't been seen.
A few nights ago, my daughter and her hubby were getting home late. It was dark and as they pulled into their driveway their headlights shined on the white garage door. I sure wish I could have seen their faces when they found a big black bear standing there.
This picture I am posting was found on a Google search.
Here's a bit of trivia about these creatures.
They are about 4 to 7 feet from nose to tail and two to three feet high at the withers. Usually black or brown but occassionally blonde and rarely white. They weigh between 125 and 500 pounds depending upon age and food. A well fed bear can be heavier, the record is 880 pounds.
Bears see in color and have good close up vision. Their distance vision has not been tested. (want to volunteer? LOL)
They are intelligent animals and have an excellent long term memory.
They are usually silent, but in amiable situation, make a variety of grunts. When they are frightened they make loud blowing noises and clack their teeth .
They can use a resonant, human like voice to express a range of emotions from pleasure to fear.
They do not threaten by growling (except in the movies)
They are good swimmers.
A lean bear can run 30 MPH. They can run uphill, downhill, as well as level ground.
They can live more than 23 years.
There now. We've had our wildlife lesson for the week. |Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday a birthday party for my great granddaughter Julia who is now nine years old. then a party for my granddaughter Shanon who has graduated from college with two majors and a minor. She will be a teacher.
On Sunday a garden tour.
Here's our Birthday girl, shaing her pose with the bears and an eagle.
A quiet shady place
I'm not sure what this piece of machinery is, Maybe a hay rake..
It sits among the trees and shrubs as if it were made to be right there.
Minus the wash and rinse tubs, this old washer stand still has the rubber ringers and clamps. I can just imagine the farm wife who stood beside the wash tub with a scrub board for hours at a time. (And I think my back is sore!)
This antique car sits inside an old garage. The crank still attached to the front just above the license plate. |
Using a large leaf for a pattern, this bird bath has all the markings of the leaf it was moulded from. And just see how cleverly the twigs are joined together to hold it in place.
Once the prized posession of a country girl, this retired bike now holds a profusion of Fuschia's in it's basket. |
My little grandma had a chamber pot just like this one all trimmed in red which she kept under her bed. I'm glad grandma's had a lid!
I took this picture from the car window as we were driving a country road. The pasture land looks as threatening as the sky, and still in the distance is the promise of fair weather to come. |Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
JACK (age 3) was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked, "Mom, why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?"
STEVEN (age 3) hugged and kissed his Mom goodnight. "I love you so much that when you die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroom window"
BRITTANY (age 4) had an earache and wanted a painkiller. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a childproof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked, "How does it know it's me?
JAMES (age 4) was listening to a Bible story. His dad read, "The man named Lot was warned t o take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned to salt. Concerned, James asked, "What happened to the flea?
|Monday, June 18, 2007
An acquaintance of mine who is a physician told this story about her then four-year-old daughter. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. Be still, my heart, thought my friend, my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps.
Then the child spoke into the instrument:
"Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?" |
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Now when you pull one of these things from the ground it is not impressive at all. It looks like a lump of dirt and smells like it too. However, once washed and all the dirt is scrubbed off it begins to look rather interesting.
I grew up eating potatoes, fried, baked, in soup and salads, even raw. I liked them then and still do. But I am heading off into the wrong direction with this post. What I really want to do is tell you about Potato Chips. I think the following info came from Wikipedia. Don't you just love that site?
It is believed that potato chips were invented by chef George Crum, at the Moon Lake Lodge in Sarasota Springs, New York in 1853. It seems he had a customer who complained that his fried potatoes were too thick so the chef decided to make some so thin that they couldn't be eaten with a fork. He was surprised when the customed loved the potatoes and they became a popular item on his menu known as Saratoga Chips. They soon became popular throughout New England.
A mass marketed potato chip didn't become popular until a traveling salesman invented the automatic potato peeler. Before the airtight sealed bag was developed, chips were stored in barrels or tins but the ones at the bottom were usually stale and damp. A Laura Scudder invented the bag by ironing two pieces of waxed paper and creating an airtight seal. Today chips are stored in plastic bags with nitrogen gas blown in prior to sealing to lengthen shelf life and provide protection from crushing. In 2002 the world wide sales volume of Potato Chips amounted to more than 30 billion dollars.
So are potato chips good for us? HAHAHAHAHA! dream on. Each ounce of innocent and skinny looking chips provided us with 150 calories and 10 g. of fat (That's for the plain, unflavored chips) They are loaded with sodium at 180 mg and if you like the flavored chips, you will be getting a good size dose of MSG as well. (I did find a Frito Lay site listing some their products made without MSG)
Ok so now you know about potato chips. (As if you really wanted to! LOL)
This is a very silly post. It's late, I'm tired. God bless us everyone and thank you lord for creating the potato.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
As many of you know, my computer crashed a while back and I have been concerned that I had lost everything on my hard drive.
Well thanks to my son-in-law Lorne and grandson David, they managed to salvage all of it and it is now in my new hard drive as well as 'BACKED UP"!
Thank you boys. You are miracle workers!
I love to take my morning coffee and Bible out here and have a study time while my pups are having their morning run. I can hear the birds and watch the squirrels playing tag in the huge evergreen by the fence. I feel so close to the Lord here. It's a good way to start a day.
My sister Bonnie gave me the lawn swing several years ago. Isn't she a blessing!
This is my newest Iris. The tag called it a "German Iris." I don't know if this is the only color, but I think it's magnificent!! And just look at the photo below taken from directly above the blossom. It looks like a lot of purple, ruffled petticoats to me.
This beauty was growing across the street from where I now live, at the house we moved into when I was ten. It was well established then. I started two plants from small branches of the mother plant. They are a rambler type so need to be tied up. (I haven't done that yet) I believe it is an old English Rose of some sort. If anyone knows, please tell me. The fragrance is intoxicating. I remember as a young girl picking handfuls of the petals and burying my nose in them until my toes curled with delight! |
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007

The following story was taken from a 1999 issue of Angels On Earth Magazine, and was written by Peggy Porter of California,
My eight year old son, Gilbert, had only been in Cub Scouts a short time when he was given a derby-car project.
I read the directions and let him do the work. My son was awfully proud of his "Blue Lightning" when he was done, the kind of pride that comes from knowing that you accomplished something on your own.
On the night of the competition, the other boys, with their sleek' polished racers, snickered at Gilbert's lopsided car. But astonishingly, what his car lacked in looks, it made up for in speed. In race after race, Gilbert's car beat its flashy competitors. Finally we were down to the last race. When it was about to begin, Gilbert asked shyly if they could wait for him to pray.
He bowed his head for a moment then announced, "Ok I'm ready."
As the crowd looked on, the "Blue Lightening' wobbled down the ramp and zipped across the finish line just ahead of the other car.
Gilbert was practically turning omersaults when the scoutmaster came over and asked, "so you prayed to win, huh, Gilbert?"
"Oh no sir," Gilbert replied. "It wouldn't be fair to ask God to help you beat someone else.
I asked not to cry if I lost."
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I have a few more Iris that I didn't get pictures of this year. One a peachy pink color and another which is a very deep purple. They are gorgeous.
This is a rather odd looking little guy. I remember finding the parent tubers in a gravel pit near my house many years ago. I knew it had to be some sort of Iris so brought it home and planted it. Now I can't seem to get rid of it. It grows and grows and grows! And so do the seeds!
This is my newest Iris. She looks all white but actually has just the slightest hint of lavender. My daughter is getting rid of a lot of her
gardens so I brought this home not knowing what color it would be. I am so glad I did. I think it's beautiful!
(I'm using Picasa today and don't know why it's underlining???
This one came from a young boy in Georgia, several years ago when I was involved in a seed exchange. It's a very old variety that is delicately colored and it smells like Grape Kool-Aid.
This is one of my favorites. So perfect in form and the color is lovely. Makes me think of Angel wings.
If you want a flower that's easy to grow, is pest and disease resistant and has strong stems making them nice for bouquets, try Iris. You won't be sorry.
|Monday, June 04, 2007
This old Steam engine sits in the parking lot in front of the mall. It was most likely used in threshing or some other farming chore. All rusted and forlorn looking now, one can just imagine the thrill of the dear farmer who purchased it brand new and learned how 'modern' machinery could make his life easier.

There are several old wagons holding a bountiful array of food items. I can just imagine this wagon about a hundred years ago, the sunbrowned farmer and his wife bouncing along happily, on their way to 'meeting' The family dog running along beside.
This dear old cabinet caught my eye because my aunt Gertie had one very much like it. I remember my grandma taking hot loaves of crusty bread from the oven of the wood stove, and setting them on a tea towel to cool. Oh my gosh, did that ever smell good! Sometimes she tore a loaf to pieces and spread it with butter or jelly for her hungry grandkids. Oh how I loved that grandma!

Being the doll lover that I am, I enjoyed this little doll bed. It appeared to be store bought. The glass knobs on the posts are like those that were often used on cabinets, way back when. Isn't it just adorable and can you just see the little girl laying her dolly down to go nite-nite?
This I believe is an old hay wagon. Now loaded with a large variety of dried fruits, many of which are grown locally. Can you just imagine the hot, tired farmer walking alongside his faithful horse as the wagon load of hay joggles along in the hot sun. Eastern Washington temperatures get unbearably hot in the summertime. They have rattle snakes too!
I thought this popcorn display was interesting. At first glance I didn't realize that it wasn't just plain old popcorn. Some of the unusual flavors are, Honey Cashew, Roasted Coconut, Coconut Almond, Vanilla Hazelnut and Apple Pie. They sound interesting but I'll have mine plain, with butter if you please.
Well here it is! The famous Aplets and Cotlets treat that originated right here in Eastern Washington. They make other flavors now like strawberry Pecan and Cranberry, but I think the original flavors are still best. You can find the interesting story of this treat on the internet. It's worth checking out.
Ok, now we're talking real cooking! This huge old wood burner was most likely used in a cookhouse. As you can see there are two ovens and a huge surface for basic cooking. It even has two warming ovens. I wonder if they made hotcakes on the top like mom did on her little stove. First when the fire was out, she would clean the top of the stove with a lava rock, then she'd get a good hot fire going, grease the stovetop and drop ladles full of batter on the hot surface. I was so impressed, She made a dozen at a time. Now that was cooking!
The mall is a huge place with two floors. I took this picture hoping to include more than one of the old cabinets. I'm sure that everything in the mall is authentic. It's shocking to me that these days people beat the heck out of a brand new piece of furniture, even pound it with a hammer and stab it with a knife. Then they scrape the paint off making it look really shabby because they want it to look old. Golly, I remember taking an old piece of furniture and sanding the scrapes out of it and re-varnishing it to make it look new. Things have sure changed in this old world!
I just had to get a shot of this set of old Pyrex mixing bowls. When I got married I got a set exactly like them as a gift. However I am certain that the giver didn't pay $65.00 for them. LOL If I remember right it seems like they were $3.99. That was in 1955.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. This place called Thorp is special to me because my Great Grandparents, Robert Bruce Banks and wife Josephine Lydia Banks (nee Jones) lived there way back in the 1890s. As I wandered through the mall seeing all the thousands of items I couldn't help wonder if just maybe my great grandma may have carried water in that old bucket, or if great grandpa used that hay wagon on a hot summer day, way back when.