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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yesterday morning I noticed that my little garden was looking pretty dry so I set my oscillating sprinkler out there and turned on the water.
When I came in the house I left the sliding door open so my pups could lay in the sun on the deck.
I had only been in the house a few minutes when I began hearing a series of "peep-peep-peep's"
I was not familiar with the sound so I went out to the deck and stood and watched for a few minutes. It didn't take long before I discovered the little peeper.
Each time the sprinkler began to rise, a little humming-bird flew into the drops of water and each time it flew in, it made three 'peeps' as it hovered in the spray. This little guy was actually 'playing in the sprinkler' and obviously loving it.
This lasted for about five minutes, long enough for me to grab my camera and 'try' to get some pictures. Unfortunately hummer's are very small and very fast. I was only able to capture it in two shots, and just the one below is a fairly clear picture of it. The other was basically a humming-bird blur.
You will have to enlarge the picture a lot to see the bird and the spray from the sprinkler. The tiny little creature is left and up a bit from the center of the photo.
I don't know if anyone else has ever seen hummer's do this, but I hope I get to see it again. It just tickled me!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Here are three of my great grandsons. Left to right are Tyson, Dylan and Johnny.
I spent some time with them last weekend and enjoyed seeing what they have been doing.

Johnny is the oldest of these three brothers. He likes to draw and obviously spent a lot of time on this picture he calls A BAMBOO GARDEN. I am really impressed with all the intricate work he has done and I love the way he has the bamboo intertwined.

The boys worked together to make this wonderful garden. I understand that Tyson has a very 'green thumb' and everything he plants grows beautifully. Hey Tyson I need you to come and plant my gardens too. This garden is so gorgeous I would make even a veggie hater want to eat their salad! They even have flowers!

Dylan is the youngest of the three. As as you can see, he loves to draw and color. I think his Christian temple is just lovely. He sure picked nice colors for it.

There. I'm done bragging about my great grandsons. 'For a few minutes anyway'.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007



for several years I have had repeated sinus infections, sometimes lasting a month or longer, often requiring antibiotics. Unfortunately I was only symptom free for a few weeks before it was back.

I had come to the conclusion that this was my 'lot' in life and tried to accept it. I thought my immune system was messed up and I was just going to be suseptable to infection.

Then last winter I remembered something my mother taught me way back in 1964. My little boy Mikey who was three and a half had been having frequent colds and had a hearing loss of 75% in his right ear and 35% in his left. His pediatrician suggested an allergy specialist, so the poor little guy went through all the allergy tests and then a spring and summer of antigen shots, which were supposed to cure him. He was ok for about five weeks, but when winter came the colds started all over again and the allergy specialist said he had to repeat the tests. Mikey started to cry, the nurse told Mikey to "shut-up" and I told the nurse where to put her syringes.

I took Mikey home and remembered my mother's advice. At the onset of Mikey's problem she suggested I get some Acerola vitamin C and some raw honey and give it to him twice a day. I thought she was really old fashioned, and took him to the specialist instead.

I talked to mom about it again and within the next few days I found a place where I could buy honey that had not been heated, but was extracted naturally and just as important, it was produced within ten miles of where we lived. This way the bees were collecting pollens from flowers and weeds that grew in our yard. It was all these pollens that the honey would be immunizing Mikey from. I also bought some of the Acerola vitamin C made from Rose Hips that mom suggested and began a twice a day routine. A tablespoon of honey and four or so of the chewable 100 mg vitamin C. tablets each morning and night. Believe me, Mikey liked this much better than the shots and that hateful nurse.

Within a weeks time, Mikey's nose had pretty much stopped running. Within three weeks there wasn't a sign of a cold. After six weeks, his hearing was normal and he was a very happy little guy. I cut back on the Vitamin C and Honey after the six weeks and only used it about once a week after that, and eventually I stopped, only using it again for a few weeks at a time when he started having any symptoms.

It worked for Mikey!

Since I've been using Mom's cure I have not had one single sinus infection until two days ago. I cut back on the treatment thinking I didn't need as much. I have sniffles today. I bought two more quarts of natural honey today.

Can honey cure infections? I don't know, but I do know that it can stop the allergy symptoms which cause inflamation in my sinus passages which are a warm, damp environment where infections like to grow.

I can't promise this treatment will work for you but it's worth a try.

Note: Raw honey is pure. Bacteria cannot live in it.

I'm not a doctor, so I can't prescribe for you. Before you try it I do suggest you ask your doctor if it can cause you any problems.


Monday, July 23, 2007

In my previous post I showed you some of the wonderful things my sister Bonnie has made. This time I'm posting about something else she made, especially for me. But first let me set the scene, so to speak.
Below in the first picture is the house our grandma Lucy Banks lived in. The present owner has made some changes but the basic structure is the same.
My sisters and I have some very special memories of this little house which was sitting smack dab in the middle of a sweet little farm, with cows, pigs chickens, rabbits and a horse named Topsy.
There was a barn with sweet smelling hay, fields of tall grass to run in and cow pies to jump over.
Bonnie and I have often reminisced about the wonderful times we had there.

And one day she surprised me with this replica of Grandma Lucy's house (below) as it was when we were kids. .
Measuring seventeen inches long and about nine inches wide, Bonnie has hand made thousands of tiny shakes measuring one fourth to a half inch wide for the siding and roof. She made a chimney and windows and doors. And see the hand carved bucket sitting on the porch to catch rain water from the roof. That is what grandma washed her hair with. Bonnie is meticulous.
Facing west (below) is the entrance to a place under the house she called the 'root cellar.' There was a door and inside were shelved made to hold her canned goods, Boxes and gunny sacks with vegetables from her garden and other things that made my curious fingers poke around. I especially remember the jars of pickled crab apples.
Here is another necessity. (below) Most outhouses don't have two seats, but grandma's did and sometimes they were both used at the same time. Like the day Mother went to pay 'mrs. Jones' a visit, and found our grandma and her son-in-law had taken up residence.
Mother was horrified, as we were raised very modestly, but apparently this is not the case with everyone. Grandma and uncle Oscar were having a pleasant conversation while 'taking care of business." I wasn't going to write about this because it seems so awful but this is how it was way back then. Besides, now that I'm older I think it's hillarious!
I think Bonnie did an incredible job making the little outhouse, the tiny characters even resemble our ancestors. LOL See the little toilet paper roll she made and even a hand carved door handle? Grandma did not have a moon on her toilet door but here were many cracks in the wood and knot holes for venilation. Not that it helped much.

I had to use this little house many times and the only word to describe it I would have to borrow from Jamie Dawn. It was absolutely HITONIOUS! (I hope I spelled that right)

Here's a close up of Grandma and Uncle Oscar. See how he's trying to be modest and hide his um...er....self? And see grandma trying 'not' to peek? This should give you an idea of the wonderful sense of humor my Bonnie has.

Here is my sweet Johnnybean around three or four years old, all dressed up in our father's work boots and hat, And carrying his lunchpail.

This was taken about 1948. Bonnie is around six and I am nine. I was always tall for my age and my Bonnie has always been tiny.

This is Bonnie taken in 1998 on a day trip to the Teanaway River in Eastern Washington. Isn't she just beautiful? The sweetness of her spirit shows in her loving face.

Here is our Grandma Lucy Banks nee Ecalbarger and grandfather Waldo Emerson Banks. This was probably taken around 1914 in Bellingham, Washington with Lake Whatcom in the background.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Her name is Bonnie Jean but when I was around three and she a newborn, I got exctied one day and called her 'Johnnybean.' Sometimes I still do just for fun.
Bonnie is one of those people we are sometimes blessed to know in our lifetime. I am doubly blessed because she is 'mine.'
I wouldn't possible know where to begin when trying to describe her, but I have to say that she is one of the sweetest people on earth. Always there with a helping hand, and so filled with love that you can feel it a mile away. When I grow up I want to be just like her!
Bonnie is a Christian. It shows without saying.
She walks the walk and talks the talk. I know Jesus is proud of her. I am too.
Ok, now for the talent.
Bonnie has the ability to dismantle a car engine and put it back together and the car runs! She is blessed with an abundance of common sense and practices it, she knows how to fix just about anything. Got a problem, ask Bonnie, she will figure it out.
Below is another of her talents. She is a carpenter. Yes, she really is.
Just look at the lovely work she does. Using fragrant cedar, she was in the process of making the first chest for her daughter when I took this picture. The decoration still needed to be secured and the entire piece of art was varnished.
Some happy daughter I'd say. (right Teresa?)

Below is a chest she made to look like a barn, with windows and doors on each side. This is at least two foot long so isn't a tiny replica. She even made a rooster weather vane for the top. I am amazed at how perfectly she is able to attach the hardware. It lines up exactly. And look at that silo, ladder an all. What a wonderful piece to decorate a farm house with, or to sit on a table and dream about.

Below is a wheelbarrow she made for me a few years ago. She made the wheel from wood and it actually turns. My great grandson, Kenny loves to push it around the back deck, and I love how it dresses up my flowers. Isn't it the cutest plant holder you ever saw?
Heres the part that will knock your sox off, SHE DOES ALL THIS WITHOUT A PATTERN or BLUEPRINTS OR ANYTHING!
Bonnie, I'm so glad the Lord chose you to be my little sister.
I love you forever and always, and I'm glad we peeked through the window to see our Christmas presents, way back when!
God bless you


Monday, July 16, 2007

PORTULACA (moss rose)

I was recently reading a story my grandma wrote about her life. She tells of how her family moved from the 'old hometown' in Alpena, Michigan where all the aunts, uncles, cousins and her grandma's lived. She said that on the day they left, she took one last walk in her grandma's garden where the fragrance of the sweet peas and other flowers was so delightful. She also mentioned the Portulaca. I hadn't thought of this flower for many years though I had grown it way back in the early sixty's and loved it. This year I bought three plants and am thoroughly enjoying them.

The plants I bought have several different colored blossoms on each plant. I don't remember my others being multi-colored. Maybe this is something new.

Originally from South America, and being introduced to Europe around three-hundred years ago, portulaca is now cultivated throughout the world as a favorite garden annual.

The Europeans loved it for it's many medicinal uses including, teeth grinding, muscle spasms, and for soothing gun powder burns.

It tolerates poor soil, but needs good drainage. It will grow in gravelly places, strawberry jugs, or hanging baskets, growing four to eight inches tall, and is a beautiful ground cover.

By picking off spent blossoms it will produce more. They have single or double flowers, spread out as they grow and come in many colors, including, peach, orange, gold, yellow, pink, rose, red, white, and duets.

There now, go get yourself some portulaca!

Melon with pink stripes

Yes, the flower petals are just as delicate as they look.

This picture isn't as bright as it should be. The flower really is gorgeous.

Here's a little golden beauty trimmed in red.

A nice cluster of lavender pink.

More white

Didn't the Lord make pretty flowers for us to enjoy?


Friday, July 13, 2007

Five things to do before I die
1. See salvation for all of my loved ones.
2. Spend more time with those I love.
3. Clean out my attic.
4. Find more ancestors for my genealogy files.
5. More oil paintings
Five things I can do
1. Pray
2. Love with All my heart
3. Decorate cakes
4. Every kind of hand work, embroider, crochet, tat, knit, etc.
5. Genealogy
Five things I can't do
1. Pet a snake
2. Fly
3. See anything suffer (except a snake)
4. swim
5. Remember the names of everything I've planted in my yard.
Things that attact me to the opppsite sex (actually these are the things that I notice first)
1. eyes
2. hands
3. spirit
4. smile
5. voice
Five celeb crushes
1. Sean Connery
2. Sean Connery
3. Sean Connery
4. Sean Connery
5. Sean Connery


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Winter is a gray world.

Across the street from my house used to be a big field with grass as tall as my chin, Several clumps of Hardhack, a few blackberry vines, some cattails, and a lot of Teasel. After a heavy snowfall I couldn't resist going out with my camera to capture the beauty.
The marshmallow looking things are actually snow covered Teasel. The dried seed pods are shaped in a way that the snow was able to cling quite well even though it was heavy enough to bend the stiff Teasel stems, giving the picture a sort of dreamy look. There was no sun this day as the snow clouds hung low and added several more inches of snow later that afternoon. Unfortunately the pictures I took that day are quite dark but I think you can get the general idea.

The field is gone now and two houses sit there. The field was better.

Today the temperature here is 95 degrees on my front deck which has a southern exposure. My house is a comfortable 74. I thought seeing a picture of the icy snow might give us a psychological cool-off.

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

click on them to enlarge
This is a Sumac. I got the start from my mother several years ago. She had the mother plant growing in her back yard. In Autumn the leaves are very colorful and this strange blossom will turn deep red.
This rose I've had so long I don't even know where it came from. I like how it climbs all over the fence and gives lots of blossoms.
This pretty Water Lily is growing in my fish pond. I love the colors and the blossoms and leaves are very large. My goldfish hide beneath this plant from the Blue Heron's that come for lunch.

The old Victorian flower, Rose Campion, grows like a weed around here. At three feet tall it's quite showy, especially with the grey-green foliage and the startling magenta flowers. In this picture it is covering part of a hillside. It re-seeds like crazy.

This odd looking flower is the blossom on my Euphorbia. Isn't it the strangest looking flower? The color is bright lime, almost a chartruse. I like having all the contrasting green shades in my gardens because it makes each individual plant stand out as if to say, "look at me, look at me."

Oh how I wish you could get a sniff of this wonderful rose! Try to imagine all the fragrant roses you have ever smelled, mixed together with a hint of citrus, the tease of a Stargazer Lily, and a dusting of grandma's bath powder, tossed lightly and blown to you on the softest breeze over a patch of wood violets~~~~~~~~~~~~~heavenly!

Each time I look at this large pansy, I think, "this one has an attitude!" Come to think of it, I feel just like this sometimes. LOL

I've shown this rose before. It's one I started from a Mother's Day Rose from my son. I call it my "Shawn Rose." Of course it's very special to me.

A few months ago I noticed the familiar leaves of this little Viola, sprouting from the gravel in a patio area in my back yard. As a flower lover, I couldn't bring myself to yank the wee striving baby up and toss it into the weed bucket. It seems too much like abortion. Now just see my reward? She and all her family smile up at me every time I pass by.

Ahh yes, the delightful snapdragon! In my opinion this is one of the very finest of all flowers for any garden. It tolerates neglect, scorching sun, torrents of rain, doesn't require special soil, it re-seeds beautifully and as a bonus, they come in every shade of yellow, pink, red and white. As far as bouquets are concerned, you won't find many flowers that are easier to arrange and they are long lasting. If you haven't added this one to your collection, do. I guarantee you won't be sorry!

I hope you enjoyed this little stroll through my garden today.

Happy gardening my dear friends!

And may the Good Lord bless you in what ever you are doing today.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Last night as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep, the frequent popping of firecracker's and the occasional loud boom of a much larger explosives kept me awake.
Around midnight, I was becoming a bit grouchy and after taking a 'mental walk' down the road to let the neighbors know that the fourth of July was past, it was now the fifth and they should save the remainder of their fireworks for New Year's, I calmed down and began to do some serious thinking.

I thought of our brave men and women in the battle field. I imagined that they too must have a difficult time sleeping with all the artillery fire around them. It probably sounds much like what we hear on the 4th. Even the shouts, although we hear shouts of awe and enjoyment, they hear shouts of fear and pain and even death.
I wondered if the sounds remind them of their fourth of July celebrations. I could visualize a young man contemplating this, remembering the flag he waved and the sparklers he held in his little boy hands, as he watched the parade and looked forward to the hot dogs and ice cream.

As I turned to my side I became aware of my soft, warm bed, and thought of the hard, sandy place that my imaginary soldier was resting his weary body.
My fluffy pillow became his hard helmet, and the cold glass of water I sipped before I went to bed, made me think of his dusty, dry mouth with sand grinding between his teeth. I saw his sunburned and cracked lips, as his tongue tried hopelessly to moisten them.
And I saw the longing in his eyes. Longing for home and family, but I also saw something else. I saw determination and and fierce desire for justice. He isn't playing a game. He made a decision to lay his life on the line if need be, so others can have freedom that we, as a nation have known, enjoyed and even taken for granted. We can't honor or respect him enough.

One war fought does not grant us freedom forever. Every generation must continue to stand firm for the freedom we so love, and want it bad enough to fight for it. If we stop, we have lost it all. From the very first, every war will have been for naught. For it was for Freedom that our forefathers fought so bravely.

If you are praying for our troops, good. Pray more fervently.
If you are praying for our country's leaders, good. Pray more often.
If you are praying for America to be strengthened, good. It begins with you and me.
If you don't believe in God or prayer, why on earth are you reading my blog ?
I hope you learned something.



Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the republic for which it stands,
One nation, UNDER GOD.
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all!
(please see my Independence Day post under the pocket full of posies post)


Sunday, July 01, 2007

If you want to have this, (rose)

And this, (rose)

And this, (rose)

And this (rose)

And this, (Feverfew foreground, foxglove in back)

And this, (astilbe)
And this, (Esther Reed Daisy)

And this.......... Campanula (thanks Diane)

Ya gotta do a lot of this!

And you'll be thankin' the Good Lord for this!


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