1942 and I am about three with my beautiful mother and wearing what I called my 'Scotchmutt Dress." The shadow of the man in the hat may be my dad or grandpa.

1947 and I am eight with my little sister Bonnie Jean, whom I frequently called Johnnybean. She was about five.
1951 and feeling so grown up at 12 years old and wearing my new circular skirt mom made me. My blouse was lacy and made of a gauzy material and my shoes were made of velvety stuff and had straps that buckled around my ankle. I thought I was so stylish! Mother posed me.

1953 and I am 14, sitting in a haystack at my aunt and uncles little farm. I spent the summer there, picking strawberries at a nearby field. It as a hot and tiring job but I made over a hundred dollars for school clothes.

1959, and 20 years old. You wouldn't believe all that happened in my life since 1953. I got married at 16, and at the time this picture was taken I had three little girls.

1967 and I'm just a month away from 29 years old. I now have a six year old son as well as the three little girls. This picture was taken at a family Christmas party. My oldest daughter Patty-Jo is behind me. Two years later I had a second son, now a total of five children.
1973 and divorced after 16 years of marriage and five children. My youngest was just a year old when his father left. I'm holding my sister Bonnie's baby, Annie. Bonnie is to the right with her camera over her face. This was a strange time of my life, Loneliness and fear really messed me up. I had never been alone before and now with five kids, it was scary!
1982 and 43 years old. A second marriage nearly knocked the life out of me. Never marry a man who loves to drink! I'm holding three of my sweet grand babies here. Miranda, Jake and David. That marriage took place in 1973 and ended in 1983. Live and learn.
1994 and I am now 55 years old. Loving on another batch of grandchildren, Aimee, Johnny and Britty. Oh how I love these kids!
1998 and I am 59 years old. Here I am holding my GREAT grandson Brandon. He is 10 now and tells me I am the greatest. Apparently because he was told that I am his Great grandma. A play on words but I'm not complaining. Brandon lives far away from me but I love him and his mommy and daddy dearly.
2002 and I am 63. My arms full of sweetness again with Tyson and Dylan, two more of my great grandsons. They have an older brother for me to love too.

2007 and 68 years old. Well just see what that gravity did to me? Mercy! There have been a lot of changes in this old world since I was born and a lot of those changes clearly show on this old gal. Am I complaining? Not one bit! I don't mind wearing trifocals. If I get tired of seeing my wrinkles I take the glasses off. I quit dyeing and cutting my hair sometime in 2002. My clothing is for comfort. I like cotton Tee shirts and jeans, and if I don't feel like wearing a bra I don't. So what? They aren't going anyplace. I love bubblegum and blow magnificent bubbles while doing computer work. (I can even blow bubbles inside bubbles) I also love soap bubbles and keep them on my back deck so I can 'play' whenever I feel like it. I still love gardening and can't wait until I can get my hands in the soft dirt again. I have my little Yorkie's to keep me company. What's it like to be 69? I think its great. I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, sisters and nieces and nephews, cousins and friends and blogfriends to love and who love me in return. I am truly blessed.
Thank you Heavenly Father for another beautiful year.