I don't know who did it, but someone managed to get all the kidlets in one spot for a picture. I'm glad my camera was handy. Dylan on the far right wasn't crying, but I think his eyes were bothering him. He recently got new glasses. Eight of these sweeties are my great grandchildren. Little Victoria apparently was sleeping.
We have has a lot of parties this month. Birthdays and Bridal showers have kept us on the go, and July and August will also be busy. The above picture is at Jenn's Bridal Shower on Saturday. It was a really hot day but we had shade and a nice breeze making it a quite comfortable. Her shower was fun and she got a lot of nice things. Of course I couldn't keep my camera off my two youngest grand babies. See how cute they are?
This pretty Snapdragon has been blooming every summer for about six years now. I just love how the bright blossoms contrast with the green all around. They just stand up tall and proud as if to say. "Well, here I am!"
As I mentioned, we have had some really warm days. Last night I left my door open and even left the screen door open so my puppies could go out if they wanted. Not a wise move.
When I was getting ready for bed I found this prehistoric looking monster on my laundry room door. No way I could smack it, because it was so big it would have seemed like murder and I could just imagine the mess on my door not to mention the 'C-R-U-N-C-H' it would make!
I got a few pictures, then captured it in a jar and turned it loose outside. I don't know what it was or if it's considered a pest, but I sure don't like things like that in my house! Today ALL the screens are shut tight!
My daughter Patty-Jo, who is a Master Gardner, has identified this ugly creature as a Douglas Fir Borer. She said they usually bore into rotted wood.
Thank you daughter!
I mentioned on a previous post that I used to live on the Chance Road. Now my grandson Luke and his wife live on the same road. Last night I was at their house for a Birthday party for my grandson Dylan and I talked my three daughters into taking a walk down memory lane with me, to the little house we used to live in. It was getting dark so photography was difficult but I did get a few good shots. I like this one of the grass. As you can see it was quite dark so I used my flash. I love experimenting with this camera of mine.
This old barn is on Luke's property. This is the view as we walked down the gravel road. The pink Hardhack in the foreground adds a special touch to this otherwise rather drab scene. The Lord knew just where to put it, didn't He?
I'll post photos of Dylan's Birthday soon.
I pray you are all having a wonderful week filled with love and the joy of knowing our Lord Jesus.