We are very thankful for your prayers.
God bless you all.
Then the strangest thing happened. The next evening my oldest daughter called and asked me' What are you doing tomorrow." I told her I had nothing planned and she asked me to go to Teresa's with her. I was flabbergasted, and became more so when she told me she felt the Lord was urging her to go to Teresa, lay hands on her and pray for her. She said she had called her youngest sister and learned the Lord was also urging her to do the same. I told her I would pray for guidance. My little girl Yorkie had just had surgery a week ago and I felt I should be keeping an eye on her.
My oldest daughter called her other sister and they all made arrangements to go. Actually it was the Lord who made the arrangements. All of my girls are foster mothers. with several children to care for. You can't imagine how busy they are.
As I prayed for guidance, Heavenly Father reminded me that I trust Him to take care of my loved ones, so why wouldn't he care for my little Yorkie's too?
So we all made the long drive to pray for Teresa. It was a long drive but a good trip. We went to the hospital and we all, including her sister, laid hands on and prayed for our sweet Teresa who was sitting up in bed.
Because it was Sunday she hadn't received any of her test results, but had been told that half of her heard is enlarged, which her doctor believes is because it is working so hard to pump enough oxygen. We pray that soon it will return to normal size and work exactly as our Creator intended. As for the other tests I will update as soon as I hear.
The drive home was uneventful although traffic got a little busy around Seattle. We made it home around midnight and this old mama was one pooped prayer!
I sincerely want to thank each one of you who have held Teresa up in prayer and continue to do so. You are the kind of friends everyone should have. God bless every one of you!
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Her playmate Tudie had his Lepto and 3 year rabies vaccine and was also micro chipped. He took it like a real trooper and wasn't bothered by any of it. Nevertheless, I pampered them a lot and practically carried them around on a velvet pillow. In fact I did carry Tildy around most of the day and she has a pink velvet pillow she favors. LOL
Thanks for your prayers for my sweet puppies.
Ok, now I'll change the subject.
This sunrise was taken last week It was still quite dark but when I looked out my kitchen window and saw all the color I ran for my camera and got a few shots. Sunrises change rapidly and never seem to last long enough!
Click to enlarge.
(borrowed picture)
This icy looking picture of Mt. Baker makes me shiver! Our temp's have plunged and as the leaves turn golden and blow away in the wind, my thoughts have once again turned to wintertime comforts like hot tea, blazing fireplaces, good books and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate!
Please pray for our country, her leaders, whom ever they may be, and our troops, who fight for us day and night.
God bless all
|This morning we had our first frost. It was quite heavy and when the sun came out and the earth was being warmed the mist drifted up like something from a Halloween movie.
Fallen leaves in my back yard.
I want to mention that my dear friend Joan in Canada, passed into the Lords arms yesterday. I will miss her.
Her father was our pastor when we were growing up. Joan married a pastor and one of their sons is also following in his father's footsteps.