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Friday, October 31, 2008


Thank you precious Lord God for your gifts of Autumn. The beautiful colors to cheer us and the bountiful harvest of the earth to bless and sustain us. Help us to remember that we are to participate in Your harvest of souls as well. I want to wish you all a happy harvest celebration.

And may all your Little trick-or-treaters forget about the tricks. No toilet papered trees and shrubs and no soaped windows. I don't get many trick-or-treaters here but it's fun to see the costumes of those who do come.
I talked to Teresa's sister this morning and learned that Teresa is doing good. She is having her blood checked twice a week to be sure the medication levels are right and she is feeling better. Her breathing is better too, which is a sign that the blood clots are dissolving.
Praise God!

We are very thankful for your prayers.
God bless you all.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Because high winds have cause a lot of trees and branches to fall on homes in recent years, my neighbors hired some Loggers to fall some trees that are a threat to our homes. It's sad to see the trees go, but we will all breathe a lot easier when the wind blows.
The wood will be used to heat homes in the cold months so there is no waste.
In this picture the faller is bucking (removing lower branches) as he climbs his way up where he will 'top' the tree.
You can click to enlarge.
Here you see his axe and chain saw hanging from his climbing belt as he is working on another branch. If you think climbing a tree like this looks easy. You are wrong. The climber has to be strong as an ox and very brave. This is one of the most dangerous jobs a logger does. Yes I sure did pray for them!
In this shot, the top of the tree has been cut off and is laying on the ground under the tree. Don't worry about the squirrels. They left yesterday morning but they will be back as soon as the noise stops. There are still many trees for them to live in.

I had to zoom in for this shot. He was still very high up.
Now the logger is carefully working his way back down the tree, stopping every fifteen feet or so to cut off more of the tree. He will do this until he is about twenty feet from the ground then will go to the base of the tree and will take the rest of the tree down from there.
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted.
Ecclesiastes 3:1&2


Monday, October 27, 2008

"And He took her by the hand and called, saying, "Maid, arise!"
Luke 8:54.
By His stripes we are healed.
Because the Lord spoke the same message to several of us about traveling to pray for Teresa, my daughters and I drove to the town where she lives, went to the hospital, anointed her, laid hands on her and prayed for her healing
She was released from the hospital this afternoon.
Her doctors feel there is enough medication in her system to dissolve the blood clots which are known to be in her lungs and legs. I believe she has enough of the Lord in her do take care of every problem whether the medication does it or not!
Her heart is ok.
Praise God!!!
The enlargement on one side is caused from it working so hard to get enough oxygen to her and I believe the Lord will restore it to the perfection He created in her.
We are praising God for his loving mercy. Please praise Him with us and continue to hold Teresa up in prayer until she has a clean bill of health.
I have thanked you all so much that you are probably getting tired of hearing it but I just can't thank you enough!
(just had to do that!)



Autumn Trees In Morning Sun

A few days ago a dear Texas Rancher friend sent me an e-mail suggesting I go to my Niece Teresa and lay hands on her and pray for her healing. She said to let her know when I was praying and she would be praying at the same time.
I told her that I live several hours drive from Teresa and couldn't go.

Then the strangest thing happened. The next evening my oldest daughter called and asked me' What are you doing tomorrow." I told her I had nothing planned and she asked me to go to Teresa's with her. I was flabbergasted, and became more so when she told me she felt the Lord was urging her to go to Teresa, lay hands on her and pray for her. She said she had called her youngest sister and learned the Lord was also urging her to do the same. I told her I would pray for guidance. My little girl Yorkie had just had surgery a week ago and I felt I should be keeping an eye on her.

My oldest daughter called her other sister and they all made arrangements to go. Actually it was the Lord who made the arrangements. All of my girls are foster mothers. with several children to care for. You can't imagine how busy they are.

As I prayed for guidance, Heavenly Father reminded me that I trust Him to take care of my loved ones, so why wouldn't he care for my little Yorkie's too?

So we all made the long drive to pray for Teresa. It was a long drive but a good trip. We went to the hospital and we all, including her sister, laid hands on and prayed for our sweet Teresa who was sitting up in bed.

Because it was Sunday she hadn't received any of her test results, but had been told that half of her heard is enlarged, which her doctor believes is because it is working so hard to pump enough oxygen. We pray that soon it will return to normal size and work exactly as our Creator intended. As for the other tests I will update as soon as I hear.

The drive home was uneventful although traffic got a little busy around Seattle. We made it home around midnight and this old mama was one pooped prayer!

I sincerely want to thank each one of you who have held Teresa up in prayer and continue to do so. You are the kind of friends everyone should have. God bless every one of you!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday afternoon update.
Teresa's mom called me a short time ago and said that Teresa also has blood clots in her leg as well as both lungs. She is having some unusual heart activity now and Doctors are concerned a clot may have gone there. I am praying the unusual heart activity may be caused from the medication she is on and is nothing serious.
Please dear friends. Pray with all your might and if you will, please ask your friends and neighbors and your church to pray with us.
Her condition was very serious before, but now it is more so.
Please also pray for her family.
Again thank you with all my heart.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Teresa update:
Apparently there are multiple blood clots in both lungs. The doctor's seem confident that the blood thinner will dissolve them, but they have made such foolish mistakes already that I have a hard time having any confidence in them. I find myself remembering the Bible passage, 'trust in no man.' yes I know this is out of context, but it sure keeps popping into my thoughts.
I am putting all of my trust and confidence in my Lord God. He alone can give the doctors some smart's and heal my sweet Teresa.
I want to thank you with all my heart for your continued prayers.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

She is feeling better today. She is receiving a blood thinner which will prayerfully dissolve the blood clot. She will be in the hospital for a while so they can monitor her and be sure the medication dose is right and will be on the blood thinner for several months.
The hormone therapy was stopped because it can cause blood clots and since she had to have a complete hysterectomy when she lost baby Matthew, it might be pretty difficult for her without the hormone.
Prayer is certainly needed in this area too.
I thank you all for your faithfulness.
God bless


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My niece who lost the baby and nearly lost her life is back in the hospital, this time with a blood clot in her lung. She has a little girl and a loving husband as well as her mom sister, nephews and many other family and friends who love her dearly. Please pray for the clot to dissolve and that she will be well soon. This young woman has been through more misery and pain in the past four years than most of us have in a lifetime.
Hold her up as if she were your own child, and pray with your heart.
Thank you again for your faithful Christian friendship.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here's my little Tildy. This picture was taken a while back. She doesn't look this happy today. She had her Dr. appointment on Friday and was spayed, teeth cleaned, micro chipped, and oral surgery not to mention her Lepto vaccine. The dear little pooch was feeling perfectly rotten all day yesterday. She finally started eating again last night but only a small bit. She had pain medication three times after I brought her home but hasn't needed it since 1:20 PM yesterday. She is sleeping a lot today and looks pretty sad.
I am praying she will heal fast and be back to her sweet little self real soon.

(borrowed picture)

Her playmate Tudie had his Lepto and 3 year rabies vaccine and was also micro chipped. He took it like a real trooper and wasn't bothered by any of it. Nevertheless, I pampered them a lot and practically carried them around on a velvet pillow. In fact I did carry Tildy around most of the day and she has a pink velvet pillow she favors. LOL

Thanks for your prayers for my sweet puppies.

Ok, now I'll change the subject.

This sunrise was taken last week It was still quite dark but when I looked out my kitchen window and saw all the color I ran for my camera and got a few shots. Sunrises change rapidly and never seem to last long enough!

Click to enlarge.

(borrowed picture)

This icy looking picture of Mt. Baker makes me shiver! Our temp's have plunged and as the leaves turn golden and blow away in the wind, my thoughts have once again turned to wintertime comforts like hot tea, blazing fireplaces, good books and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate!

Please pray for our country, her leaders, whom ever they may be, and our troops, who fight for us day and night.

God bless all


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


See the huge evergreen behind my house?
I may have mentioned that I have a neighbor who was not at all friendly. When she first moved in about ten years ago I tried to talk to her on several different occasion's when we were outside working. She was always rude and said as few words as possible and actually snapped when she did. I couldn't draw her into a friendly conversation and eventually decided that she wasn't someone I would want for a neighbor friend anyway with an attitude like that.
I spent far too much time thinking about what a hateful woman she was.
Then, you guessed it, Heavenly father reminded me that it was my job to pray for her.
After all, I had no idea what kind of misery she was living with. So slowly I began to pray. At first my heart wasn't really in it but eventually I really began to feel sorry for this lady. When someone is that hateful they must be horrible miserable.
We still hadn't spoken since the first year she lived here, but since I had the recent problem with the branches from her trees falling on my fence and in my yard, it was necessary for me to contact her. I didn't know her name and number but I wrote a very nice note with my phone number and hung it on her mail box last Sunday.
Guess who called and was as sweet as sugar candy? Yep, and that's not all. She told me that the property where the problem branches fell from doesn't belong to her but to someone who lives in Washington DC. However she has been concerned about the huge evergreen tree that is on her property and just below my house. I pray for the Lord to hold it up every time the wind blows. This nice lady is hiring professionals to come and either take the top out of it or fall it as well as a few others that are a threat to hers and neighboring properties.
That's not all. She told me she would ask the loggers to take care of the branches on my fence too.
Interesting that my daughter Patty had the very same experience with her neighbor lady. She was snotty, rude and demanding. She also had some Cottonwood trees that were a threat to Patty's house and I think some branches did fall on Patty's fence. Patty Prayed for her and of course she became a much more pleasant neighbor, and oh yes the trees were removed too.
So you tell me. Does prayer work?
I couldn't resist taking some pictures of these glorious marigolds that are growing in front of my shed. Patty gave me some seeds last fall and just look at how they brighten up the otherwise colorless autumn garden. That's a purple Clematis growing on the trellis behind it. Here's a close up of one of the plants. Everyone should grow these. And see how the flowers are different. I have been collecting died seed pods for next years gardens. Oh boy, am I going to have color!!
This one and the next one are so different looking. I think that's one of the things that make Marigolds so fun.
Just look how sweet this little face is.
Thank you Patty-Jo for the seeds and all the enjoyment I am having with these pretty flowers.
Well dear friends thats all for now except I am asking for prayer for my little girl dog Tildy who is being spayed on Friday as well as shots, teeth cleaned and micro-chipped. Tudie is getting two shots and micro chipped too. So if you would please pray that all this will not be too miserable for them and me I would appreciate it. My little Yorkies are my family now as all my children are grown and gone with lives of their own.
God Bless


Saturday, October 11, 2008

This came to me in an E-mail. I like it!

Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election
1. The Bible will still have the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
and God approves this message.


Friday, October 10, 2008


Windstorms cause damage around here. This tree grows on my neighbors property where there are many trees growing in a wooded area beyond my fence.
Unfortuately many of the branches are blown from these trees and land in my yard, and many times on my fence, which I need to keep my puppies home. This time a huge part of a Maple tree fell across the fence. See my tiny Tildy checking it all out?
In this shot you can see my fence posts leaning over with the branches resting on top.
What I didn't see until after I investigated is that there are two more very large broken off branches hung up in the tree. When these fall, it could hurt someone really bad. I can't let my puppies out there until it is taken care of.
Now here's the question. Do you think my neighbor should be responsible for clean up and fence repair, or is it my problem?

This morning we had our first frost. It was quite heavy and when the sun came out and the earth was being warmed the mist drifted up like something from a Halloween movie.

Fallen leaves in my back yard.

I want to mention that my dear friend Joan in Canada, passed into the Lords arms yesterday. I will miss her.

Her father was our pastor when we were growing up. Joan married a pastor and one of their sons is also following in his father's footsteps.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

First I want to say that Teresa is doing better each day. Praise God!
Above are colorful Sumac leaves. Sumac is a native tree here and more like a bush in my yard. It has a habit of laying down on the job. I will probably cut mine back this winter. There are dozens of new starts growing under it.
It's blackberry time here and they are hanging plump and juicy like clusters of grapes. Blackberry jelly is good on everything. Especially hot buttered biscuits! YUM!
Gardens didn't do well here this year but my green beans managed to produce enough for my freezer and to eat fresh a couple times a week. My puppies love them too, especially when they are cooked with bacon.
Here is my Fuji tree. Once again it has produced a super crop. Because I am so far north they aren't ready to eat until November, but they will hold in the refrigerator until at least April. These are sweet juicy and very crisp. They are great for canning your own apple pie filling because they don't turn to applesauce in the pie.
Here is one of my Sweetmeat squash. This variety is my favorite. After cleaning I cook it covered in the oven then freeze small packages. This is the sweetest of all the squashes I have ever tried and has a delicate nutty flavor. I was told that the golden spots indicate that it is sweet. This ought to be a good one!

The Autumn flowers are all aglow. This happy looking Calendula has such delicate petals you'd think the wind and rain would destroy them, but this is a strong little flower and one I highly recommend. See the little bug hiding in her center?
As I was walking in the lower part of my yard with my puppies I sat at the little table down there and just took time to look at God's glorious creation. The sun was out and when I looked up this is what I saw. The wild cherry trees grow close together down here and it looks like they are raising their branches in praise to our Lord God.
This is the view looking south, up the hill. I think the sun and shadow contrast is so pretty.
My roses are happier this year than they've ever been. I think the feedings of compost and steer manure throughout the summer have really made a huge difference. I hope to do the same thing next year. I was pretty brave to use super macro and set my lens practically on top of this honey bug . It was so busy it didn't even notice me so I got several shots. This one is my desktop background now.VACANCY

This picture says 'Autumn' to me. The few green leaves still clinging for life to the tired branches and the spent maple leaves, dried and crisp awaiting the next wind to carry them to their rest.
Autumn, the season of gathering and storing,
Blue skies peeking through the dark threatening clouds,
Rain pounding the roof and wind howling like a Banshee.
Time for warm fuzzy blankets, good books, hot tea and gingersnaps.

God Bless your Autumn


Thursday, October 02, 2008


Teresa is 'OUT OF THE WOOD'S!" The respirator tube has been removed, and she will be moved from ICU sometime today.
Healing will take time but she is out of danger and for that we are praising Almighty God with all our hearts.
This has been a terrifying time for our family and we can't possible tell you how very much your prayers for our precious Teresa have meant to us all.
This is what a Christian family is all about. We don't have to know one another, have never met but through the love of God we can love one another and pray for one another's needs as if they were our own. Father hears the prayers of our heart.
Thank you is such a small statement for the gratefulness I feel, but please understand this thank you comes from the very depths of my heart. I couldn't possibly mean it more.
May the Lord bless each of you.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

10:10 am October 1 Teresa Update
Teresa is progressing well. The medication to make her sleep has been decreased and the respirator has been turned off but they left the tube in in case it is needed again. She is breathing on her own. If all goes well they may remove the respirator tube later today.
Her stitches look good, no redness or signs of infection. PRAISE GOD!
We are praying that her blood pressure will stay normal because if it goes up it could cause the bleeding to start again. She has an internal monitor that tells the nurses her B.P as well as her temp. and many other vitals. I never heard of such a thing. It is positioned close to her heart in an artery.
Her sister told me today that when things went bad in surgery, three more surgeons were called in as well as three more anethesiologist's and fifteen nurses. Did you ever know of a hospital where so many professionals were available? I haven't, and see this as the Lord at work.
Today we are praising Him for saving Teresa. Please praise Him with us and continue to pray for her complete healing, spiritual, physical and emotional.
Also prayers for their financial situation are needed. Teresa's husband is missing a lot of much needed work and their share of the hospital bill after insurance will be atrocious.
Thank you once again for your loving concern and prayers.
I love you all so much!


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