My son-in-love Lorne has always loved cats. His wife Cyndi 'tolerated' them. After several years of marriage and the bother and expense of his furry friends, Lorne's precious cat Gray died. When the worst of his grief had passed he mentioned wanting a kitten to his wife who was not yet ready to experience the training, litter boxes, clawed furniture and vet bills, not to mention the nasty little critters kitties like to bring into the house. She responded with a flat "NO," and added, "The only way there will ever be another cat in my house is if the Lord drops one off on our doorstep!"
Lorne's 50th birthday was coming and a party was planned. It was a brisk but sunny day when I drove through the countryside where they lived. The maples were wearing their colorful party gowns and the mowed fields were velvet green with new grass.
Some guest had arrived before me and I could hear a lot of laughing as I walked into the house. There was some commotion in the living room so I went in to see what it was all about.
Apparently when my older daughter Patty-Jo and her son had arrived they found two little black and white kittens huddled on the doorstep and asked when they had gotten them. Cyndi told them they had not gotten any kittens and that they didn't know anything about them. When they went to the door they saw two tiny, pathetic, hungry kittens and accused Patty-Jo of bringing them, She vowed she had not. No one knew where they had come from.
Completely baffled by the unexpected guests, Lorne (with a big smile) and Cyndi (with a mother's heart) brought the kittens into the house, fed, loved, adopted and named them Molly and Matthew.
It has been five years since the kittens miraculously appeared on their doorstep. Matthew and Molly are now beautiful full-grown cats who absolutely adore their master and 'tolerate' their mistress.
Some of the family are still wondering how two kittens happened to be on Lorne's doorstep on the morning of his 50th birthday.
Sometimes unscrupulous people dump unwanted pets, but for two to be on his doorstep, when he is longing for a kitten, on the morning of his birthday is certainly not very likely.
So how do I think they got there? You know me. I believe in miracles.
Here's the simple explanation.
Heavenly Father wants us to have the desires of our heart. He loves Lorne and wanted to surprise him on his birthday.
I call this a "God Hug."
He works in mysterious ways.
Don't limit Him.
Expect a miracle.