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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There are many signs of autumn here in Whatcom county. I've been seeing them for seventy years and somehow it seems like my body shifts into a lower gear when I see the the sun parched gold and brown leaves fluttering through the sky.
Another sign is the piles of zucchini with free signs attached. In this case a tub of cuke's, both green and lemon on the front porch of my daughter Kathy. I walked in her garden too and oh boy does she ever have a wonderful harvest.
Here is a shot of a gorgeous chrysanthemum in her front yard. Doesn't it just sing "Autumn"?

We can't forget the fall asters. They look so sweet all tucked into their emerald green foliage.

We went to Kathy's on Sunday for a party to honor my granddaughter Miranda who is doing an incredible job of raising two children, and doing classes at college. Grandma is so proud of you precious girl!
Isn't her cake pretty? I love the colors.
No, I didn't eat a rose. I don't like frosting.

At the end of a wonderful day, my great grandson Tyson brought out his trombone and serenaded us with some very interesting sounds. Not exactly music yet but at least he can make a noise.

We had rain last night but the sun is shining today with a slight breeze fluttering my flag to remind me to pray for our country, our country's leaders and our brave troops.
Yesterday I planted 50 King Alfred Daffodil's and now am excited for spring so I can see them all blooming. It was hard work because some of the places I was planting had a lot of rock and clay so digging was a chore.
I'm glad it's done!
I pray all is well with each of you.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

When my soul is troubled, and the clouds won't go away,
I long to walk down by the sea, where the sand's of ages lay
To see the waves, all white with lace, come kiss the waiting shore,
To watch as they crash against the cliff's, with their powerful, mighty roar.
Then as the calming waves recede, they take my troubles all from me
And carry them on the highest crest, then leave them far away at sea.
And when I leave this healing place, I hear my dear Lord say,
"Be free my child, and go in peace~~~ I walked with you today,"
I am posting a picture I took several years ago in San Diego with a poem I wrote in 2006. I posted these on my first blog about four years ago.
All's well here in Whatcom County.
Miss. Autumn is teasing me with her colorful, falling leaves and nippy mornings. I have been harvesting from my garden and still pulling weeds. (That seems never ending!)
Today I started cleaning the back deck. So many plants to move, and most need to be brought in the house. I have to find a place for them. I like to winter over my geraniums. They are in their third year now and each year they get bigger and have more flowers.
I pray all is well in your world.
God Bless


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Please remember to pray for healing for my friend John who lives in Maryland and is still undergoing chemo treatment for prostate cancer. He is feeling unsure of the doctor who is treating him and considering a second opinion. Please pray for the Lord to guide him.
My surgery date is October 19th. Your prayers are appreciated.
Now here are some photos taken on our trip to Point Defiance Park. These were taken at the beautiful gardens.
Here are my three lovely girls walking and inspecting the long, gorgeous rose arch that leads into the garden which is totally enclosed with a tall fence and gates to keep deer out. Those critters do love roses!
I had to get a shot of this graceful tree. Don't you just love how the branches grow up toward the heavens?

This is one of the many color spots. I am becoming very fond of the colors purple/lavender and red together, and have Salvia in those colors together in my front yard between some arborvitae. It's striking!

The rose garden was massive and they were still blooming beautifully at the end of August. I didn't take the time to write all the names down and even though I took several pictures there were many more plants. I just couldn't shoot them all.

Look at this golden beauty. Oh my gosh was it ever fragrant too!
I had to get a shot of this one. A perfect red rose if I ever saw one! The petals actually looked like velvet.

Here's a sweet lavender rose. I don't remember the name but it wasn't blue girl or blue boy. This one had the fragrance of one of the old time roses. Very nice!

This one surprised me. If it grew in my garden I'd call it Miss. Candy Cane. Actually it sort of looks like a goof! I bet the person who grew this one was surprised. LOL

This peach colored rose was a lot prettier than the picture shows. Especially with the sun behind it, but I couldn't get a good shot that way.

If I were going to expand my rose garden this is one I would definitely want. It is one of the most delicate roses I've seen. I love the orangy center.

Here is another delicate rose. If I had this one I'd name it 'Pink Sweetness."

Now for some Dahlias. Oh boy did this garden ever make me want to try them again. However I reminded myself of how much the slugs and deer love them and quickly dismissed that idea!
I believe this is a 'honeycomb' variety. Isn't it amazing? Oh! the Lord must have had fun designing and creating all these wonderful flowers etc., for us to enjoy!

This star shaped Dahlia looked so cute I had to get a shot. It's fascinating how the petals curl and the happy looking golden center definitely makes a statement.

Ok, here's one of the 'Dinner Plate' variety. My Mother used to raise them and I had a few myself. They are unbelievably beautiful and come in all colors, and yes they are actually that big. The main problem with a blossom this size is the fact that it's difficult for the stem to support the weight and they usually break.

This one reminded me of a lions mane. I haven't seen many tri color dahlia's, and even though orange isn't my fav. I think this is pretty. I like how the petals are white on the tips. It sort of tones it down a bit.

Busy as a bee! And doing his job like a good little boy he sure is a striking contrast to this soft colored dahlia.

This is the one that Patty and I both liked a lot. Simple, sweet and a bit of whimsy in the center. just like us. LOL!.

Here's another unusual dahlia. I have seen many similar in different color combinations. I had a few last year in pots on my back deck and thoroughly enjoyed them. I hope I remember to get more next year. They just pop right up and say "howdy!"

Another Dahlia that looks like Peppermint to me. Striped and freckled. How cute!

Here's one more color spot for you to enjoy. Remember you can click on these photos to enlarge and see finer detail.
Does it take too much time to open my blog when I post so many photos? Please tell.
Love and hugs to all my sweet blog friends and may our precious Lord look upon you with great favor.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been pretty busy with garden, family, etc.
Last weekend I went on a little trip with my girls. We went to Tacoma and visited Point Defiance Park. Of course I'm posting some pictures.

We sort of got lost and ended up at Gig Harbor which turned out to be quite interesting. Here is a shot of part of the harbor. We had lunch at a cafe which ended abruptly when an angry man threw his ice water and cup at the back of my seat. The ice, water etc flew all over me. Sure scared me too!
One of the girls brought an ice chest but we had no bungee to hold it from sliding all over so Patty and I donated our stretchy bra's. They worked just fine.

At Point Defiance there is a five mile drive through some old growth forest. The trees are huge. This picture doesn't show the size but I like the bark texture. Patty and I left the back doors open as we rode. (We were buckled in) Along the drive a raccoon came running to the car, apparently thinking we had a treat. We got out of there fast.

Here is one of the many view points. I think it's interesting how the tops of these trees are dead but there is new growth near the base.

This is something we didn't expect to see. One of these two sailing ships was in the movie Pirates Of The Caribbean. They were doing a mock battle with cannon's booming and smoke even. The smaller boats were lookey lou's.
Fort Nisqually is at the park and we had fun looking at everything. This is the view inside a kitchen as it would look in the 1830's or there about.

If you enlarge this you can read about the fort.

Here are my beautiful girls. We were walking through the flower gardens at the park. I will have to do another post about the gardens. They were incredible!!

As we were walking around at one of the view points I saw this reflection in a puddle and decided to take a 'Puddle Picture.' I like it.

Here are my three girls again. This time studying an old Madrona tree. Can you tell that their daddy was a logger? Enlarge to see the Tacoma Narrows bridge in the background.

My pictures aren't in order. Sorry!. This was taken back at the fort. I like the way the sun shines through this old carriage.

This was taken near the boathouse at Point Defiance. My great grand uncle had a business there. That will also be another post because there is so much to show and tell.
Our trip was a lot of fun. We are already saving money for another one.
I will be seeing my surgeon tomorrow morning. He will set a date for the surgery. I am not feeling too bad. Just tire pretty easy. Of course I am doing a lot too, so that could sure be why I get so tired. I canned 32 jars of peaches a few days ago and last night went out for coffee with the girls for my Kathy's birthday.
I'll try to keep you posted.
Thanks for your prayers.
God Bless


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