All he saw in my stomach was some irritation, but what he didn't expect to see was the tumor and mass on my right kidney.
He told me that 90% of the tumors inside the kidney are malignant, and they didn't know what the mass was. He said the entire kidney had to be removed.
I told him that I would be one of the 10% that did not have a malignancy. I think I partly said that because it scared me. but there was something else too. I didn't want the 'cancer' word connected with me in any way so I disassociated myself with it the only way I knew how. I told several people that God never told me I had to have cancer so I'm not going to.
The surgery took about three or so hours, part of that time was spent repairing many adhesion's I had developed from past surgeries. Apparently they attached to the abdominal wall.
On Thursday when my nice Irish surgeon came in my room to talk to me and release me to go home, he told
me the good news. There was no sign of cancer.
Thank you for your faithful prayers.