I love old books and this one is delightful! I probably picked it up at a rummage sale and tucked it away in the bookcase and forgot about it but I recently discovered it again and have sure enjoyed it.
Here is the copyright date. One of it's previous owners, I think a young person, used a pencil to fill in all the 'o's. That's usually a kid thing.
You will have to enlarge this on to read the contents. I have read the whole book and plan to do it again. The stories are beautifully written and the poems are wonderful. Because my prayers have been so focused on our brave military Troops I will share a poem called 'Army Hymn' or "Old Hundred"
O Lord of hosts! Almighty King! Behold the sacrifices we bring!
To every arm thy strength impart, Thy spirit shed through every heart!
Wake in our breasts the living fires, The holy faith that warmed our sires;
Thy hand hath made our nation free; To die for her is serving thee.
Be Thou a pillared flame to show the midnight snare, the silent foe;
And when the battle thunders loud, still guide us in it's moving cloud.
God of all nations! Sovereign Lord, in Thy dread name we draw the sword.
We lift the starry flag on high that fills with light our stormy sky.
From treason's rent, from murder;s stain, guard its folds till Peace shall reign,
Till fort and field, till shore and sea, join Our loud anthem, Praise To Thee!
see Exodus 13:21
Here she is about ready to blow out the candles on the desert she made all by herself! She isn't fond of cake so made this very rich chocolate dessert. I had a spoonful and it was so rich and chocolaty I couldn't have eaten any more. We also had peach upside down cake and ice cream. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY GIRL!
Mimi's Strawberry Surprise!
I should have taken a picture before I took this to the party. I found a delicious sounding recipe in a magazine at my doctor office and made this tray full for the party. I didn't write down the name of it so gave it a name, I was sure surprised when I went to get one and discovered all that was left was the empty platter and some grated chocolate an Lemon Balm leaves I used for decoration.Here's the recipe. I made a few changes in the original because there was too much cheese.
***1 pound large strawberries1-8 ounce package of cream cheese1 Tablespoon milk1/4 cup powdered sugar1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring1 small Hershey barRemove stems, and cut a deep 'X' in the small end of each berry. Gently spread berries open.
Beat cream cheese with milk, powdered sugar and almond flavor until smooth and creamy.
Spoon cheese mixture into a pastry bag with a size 6 (approx) script tube attached, and pipe cheese into each strawberry, then gently squeeze berry together so cheese begins to come through cuts.
Grate chocolate bar over top.
You can use a different flavoring and lite cheese if you want.
Be sure to taste one before you offer them to your guests!