I have had a certain Texas Blog friend Bev, almost from the time I began blogging. This sweet lady sent me three boxes of pecans this year. I have them all shelled and in the freezer except those I shared with family. I appreciate her generosity so much. The last time I went to buy pecans here they were nearly $15. a pound. Outrageous! Thank you again dear Bev for your precious gift. I made banana pecan muffins a few days ago. Mmmmmmm! I am so blessed.
OK, so don't laugh!!!! I think these sole less sandals are just as cute as can be and if I were a young girl with beautiful feet I would definitely want some. I found many patterns on the net and plan to make some. Maybe my granddaughters and great grand daughters would like them for summer. Wouldn't they be cute with shorts and a halter top or peasant blouse?
These next two pictures were taken a few years back. Yes I walked out on this terrifying thing so I could get a better picture of what's below. I am not into heights!!!!
Snoqualmie Falls is a 268 foot fall on the Snoqualmie river between the towns of Snoqualmie and Fall City, WA. One and a half million visitors come each year to enjoy the beauty of this place that has a very interesting history.
Each time I look across the road I see this stump. It has so many little bracket fungi that I couldn't count them all. The picture only shows a few. I learned that some Bracket fungi are used for medicine. I think they are really pretty.

Well this isn't exactly a picture I like to show but I need to share. You see I have had a serious problem for many years with the bucks ripping my shrubbery to pieces with their antlers during rutting season. I have tried so many things I can't name them all. Blood meal worked but it has to be replaced after each rain and when you live in Washington rain is what it does! Besides, it has become very expensive! So last fall I went to the harbor and got some discarded fish net and covered all my Rhody's and the other shrubs that the deer attack. Twice I saw pieces of net laying on the lawn because a buck had got tangled and after that they totally left my shrubs alone. Another way to recycle. Just be sure to dispose of it properly so it won't cause a problem to other critters.