During Tori's stay at the hospital they tried to clean her out with the same medicine used for a colonoscopy. She was a very sick little girl and two x-rays showed that the bowel blockage was still there. Many saints of the Lord had been praying for her and the doctor did one more X-ray and found the blockage was gone even though she hadn't been passing anything but the liquid they were putting in her.
They sent her home. I saw her yesterday. She is thinner and pale, but just as lively as any three year old.
Thank you Lord God!
This is why I have been out hunting slugs in the evenings. So far this year I have killed 750 of these nasty things. (I keep track on my calendar) Slugs lay between 30 and 100 eggs about six times a year, so if I have done my math correctly figuring the small amount of 30 eggs, I have not only eliminated the 750 but have also eliminated at least 136,800 more of the future destructive creatures!
I'm glad slugs don't like roses. I suppose they would if it weren't for the thorns on the canes. HA-HA SLUGS! This pretty rose was supposed to be a climber but it apparently hasn't learned how to do that yet. LOL. I thought it had frozen out over the winter but she sent up some new canes this spring and surprised me.
Don't get snappy with me!!! I think this freckled Snapdragon is so unusual. I planted them last year and they came back.
Here is the same one standing tall and proud. I really like snapdragons. They reseed easily and their offspring are usually unusual. Besides, they are so showy in so many colors and color combinations!These are easy for beginning Gardner's to grow.
I know I have shown this rose before. I just wish you could smell it.
Here is a wild geranium. I think it's also called Cranesbill because the seeds pods resemble one. I like this picture showing the hairy flower buds.
A macro shot of a beauty Bush blossom. I love doing this, then enlarging the pictures and studying the intricate veining patterns. I often marvel at creation but there is something about flowers that totally fascinates me. Just imagine, each flower may look the same at a glance but a closer look shows that no two are the same. Our Lord creates originals, be it flowers, critters, or we humans. Identical twins are not even identical.
Gazing Balls are fun but I sure don't like how they make me look!!!!!Hee-hee-hee!
We had a really pretty sunset recently. I was at my computer when the sky took on a pink glow. Then it was everywhere, the houses, trees, the street and even the air seemed pink. I grabbed my camera and got a few shots before it faded. I love the colors.***
Well dear ones, that's all for now, but I would like to ask for prayer for my great granddaughter Victoria who is in the hospital being treated for a stubborn bowel blockage. She is just three and such a precious little doll.
The Lord bless and keep you all close to his heart.